The foothills of Red Mountain east of Cedar City are full of mysteries. I had heard rumors of strange carvings and lost mines in this area, and have finally made time to search for some of them. With only a few vague clues in hand, I somehow was able to find everything I was looking for plus a few surprises along the way.

Near the mouth of Cedar Canyon there is a life-size carving in rock of a person with a cross for a head and that is holding up a round object. The few people that are aware of this carving call it "Shotput Man," or "All-American Man," but nobody seems to recall exactly who carved it. Theories range widely from early Spanish explorers to hippies who frequented the area in the 70s.
At least one person thinks that the stone figure is pointing out ancient buried treasure. This is evident from the not-so-ancient vertical shaft someone has dug into the hill directly above the carved figure.

A little more difficult to find are the "mystery glyphs" etched in stone above a tomb-like cave that overlooks Cedar City. Again, no one seems to agree on just how old or who the author of the so-called "glyphs" might be. Most scholars regard these Egyptian-type symbols as a hoax, but dozens of similar panels have been found throughout the western U.S., making it a very elaborate hoax.

While searching for the mystery glyphs, I came across a very unusual mine. It took me a few minutes to figure it out, but if you look closely at the roof of the adit you can see the imprint of a huge petrified log! Someone tried to mine it out but it appears that it was too brittle to keep intact, as the dump is littered with thousands of pieces of shattered petrified wood:

You can still see the plant tissue preserved in the stone:

Above is another strange symbol carved into a high cliff face quite a distance away from the mystery glyphs. A Spanish sign for treasure?

I stumbled across yet another mine while looking for the mystery glyphs. This one is extra creepy - soda bottles, dust masks, and work gloves lying around as if the miner was just taking a break, or, perhaps had an accident and his body lay at the bottom waiting to be discovered. I vey well may be the first person to come across these workings as nothing appears to be disturbed.

I didn't have a flashlight this day, but I'll be back to explore its depths.
Very cool places to visit. I've read about the carved man and that glyph panel before. I'll have to tell you what I read about the man later. But for the panel of glyphs, I can't buy it. I know there are others. But these and others sites I've always wanted to explore myself. I'm jealous.
I'm with you on the glyphs - it looks like someone got an egyptian symbol book and copied some characters.
Anytime you can make it down this way, I would love to show you these places, plus I need someone to watch my back going into that mine.
We gotta start talking about a family trip soon.
This is my favorite blog. I wish I could explore like that. Great pictures. -Matt K.
You are the most fabulous photographer. Your pictures are so brilliant and beautiful. I'm not foolish enough to think it's all in the camera, but what kind of camera and accessories do you have if you don't mind. -Cynthia-
I love your blog. I check it dailey!
Hi Cynthia
I have never used a fancy camera, our latest camera is a Canon Digital Elph SD1000. This is a simple point & shoot that cost about $180 at Walmart.
I actually have very little photography skills, but, I do use Photoshop quite a bit to get the the effect and "mood" I want for each picture - mostly messing around with the contrast and color settings.
Thanks- I am amazed and stunned every time I see one of your pictures.
I've seen the carved man before, but would like to know where to find the other markings.
Great pics!
I can't remember exactly how to get to the shot put man, do you have directions or gps coordinates? I would also like to visit some of those other places if you don't mind sharing how to get there. :)
I've visited the Red mountain area east of Cedar City perhaps a dozen times over the years. I've hiked all over the area and along the tops of the ridges. I've never encountered the mine shown in this blog (not the one directly above the SPM carving). Could someone send me directions? I'll be visiting the area in a week or so.
it's just up the wash from SPM. Just walk upstream from SPM. Impossible to miss unless it's been filled in.
I was wondering if you could give me directions to this. I live in cedar city and would love to go check this out.
Message sent.
After seeing this post, I have spent hours scouring these hills. I've found the shotput man, the glyphs and the mine above the shotput man... The second mine continually eludes me! If someone could send me directions to the general area of that mine I would appreciate it.
I can be emailed at
The second mine is very close to Stephen's Canyon-the canyon behind the golf course with the retention dikes. Look along the sandstone ridge south of the dirt road up Stephen's, just east of the retention ponds.
Sorry, I just realized this is the mine (the one that had gloves and dust mask) than Anonymous above needed help with).
Good luck with the search and if anyone dares to go down in that thing, let me know what you find!
I have a comment and possible insight. Is there an E-mail address so I can correspond with you. I, too have been to the glyphs...
I'm a resident of Cedar City and I would like to visit the Shot Put man and the Mystery Glyphs. Could you send me directions or gps coordinates to get there? They would be much appreciated!
First of all I must say your site is amazing. I love all the photos you have taken.
I found the mystery glyphs but I can’t find the shotputman.
I heard it was about half a mile south of the glyphs but I spent a couple hours looking south and couldn’t find it.
is it up on the mountain or more at the bottom of the wash?
is it near a path or wash or do you have to go off trail?
is he visible from a main path? or do you have to go?
I have a couple places you might like to explore. Have you seen the redman pictograph in warner valley?
The mine up Stephens canyon is uranium it was called the king number 5 it was from the 50's be careful in there.
I found it. Enjoy
Shotput man: 37.6750507643, -113.043998462
mystery glyphs: 37°40'56.53"N, 113° 2'47.34"W
It has now been closed to the public by the LDS Church I was told today.
Has anyone actually gone down the shaft above SPM? Curious if it's worth heading that direction.
I had a question about the last cavern with the pick and latter where is this one at i found all of them except this one and one that it's in the pictures all of them have been filled in either by someone or rain can you pls send me some clues at thanks
When I went it was filled in
The Redman wow!! Have you been out to the yellow man in Apple valley?
It's in the east wash of razorback trail just south of rainbow canyon
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