It's that time of year again for the Utah Summer Games bicycle hillclimb. 1800 vertical feet in four miles in 90 degree heat. Despite what lay ahead, I managed a smile at the start - it wouldn't last long.

The climb up right hand fork of Cedar Canyon is gorgeous, but I couldn't see too well out of my steam-filled glasses.

Well, I finally made it to the top in 28:30, about 30 seconds faster than last year. I was pretty nauseous most of the way up and nearly up-chucked, but was able to hold it in. But keeping to my true form, I finally puked a few minutes after finishing. Zoe wasn't too sure her dad was going to survive.

Next up, a sixty mile road race on Saturday. I can't wait for this to be over so I can get back to the dirt.
On another note, we hiked the Subway in Zion National Park last weekend, but I'm still working on the pics...
What? No pictures of the puke? -Matt
Tyler! There is nothing better than pushing yourself to your limit. You are truly an athlete. I love man. -Eros
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