Above and below: starting the long downhill from Lee Pass along Timber Creek.

Above: crossing Timber Creek.

Above: passing below Shuntavi Butte.

Above: taking a break below Burnt Mountain along La Verkin Creek.

Above: Kolob Arch, officially the second longest arch in the world just behind Landscape Arch at Arches N.P.
Below: we were lucky enough to catch the small falls just north of the arch while it was still flowing with spring runoff.

It was a good little hike, but I couldn't help but imagine what it would be like making that final 1000-foot climb back up to Lee Pass after already having hiked 45 miles along the trans-Zion route (a 48 mile trail route from Zion's East Entrance to Lee Pass). Killer for sure.
Little did I know I would soon find out.
Awesome pics bro. I'm gettin ready to hike from Lee's Pass to the Grotto. Hike not run! You can have the runnin all to your self thank you very much.
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