Sunday, October 19, 2014

Color on the Mountain

I can't believe it took me nearly nine years to discover this off-the-beaten-path lake on the Markagunt Plateau. The unnamed lake occupies a large depression formed on the Red Desert lava flow.  The depression likely roots into one of hundreds of sink holes developed in the underlying Claron Formation. I noticed the lake while scouting out seldom-used singletrack near Cedar Breaks National Monument. When I found the lake back in August, I knew I had to bring the family back, which I finally did just in time for an explosion of Fall color.

Unnamed lake on the Markagunt Plateau in late summer.

The same lake in September.

Our daughters' friend Angel hops across rocks looking for salamanders.

Since there are no fish stocked in this lake, small animals such as this Tiger salamander larvae can thrive.

1 comment:

    You really captured the Mtn well.
    So are you sharing GPS location of this? I know of a few small ponds to the East of Cedar Breaks, but this place looks larger.
