Sunday, August 10, 2014

Under the Rim at Bryce Canyon

Erik Riessen approaches the overlook above Mud Canyon in Bryce Canyon National Park.

Enjoy a few photos from a great run in Bryce Canyon with an upbeat group of guys from northern Utah. Bonus for me: three of the four other runners are doctors! No lugging a first aid kit necessary.

The trail: the 23-mile Under the Rim Trail spanning from Rainbow Point to Bryce Point.

The day dawns in spectacular fashion on the Pink Cliffs near Rainbow Point.

Erik and David Kuo try to avoid morning glare while descending from Rainbow Point.

David and Francis pause beneath the Pink Cliffs on the Under the Rim Trail.

Eric Bright (leading) and Erik slog up one of many sandy inclines along the Under the Rim trail. The white sand weathers out of the capping sandstone member of the Cretaceous-age Wahweap Formation. The loose sand is an energy-sucker, and it stretches off and on for miles.

The impressive Noon Canyon Butte.

Ponderosa pine adorn the western flanks of  Mud and Swamp Canyon Buttes just off of the Under the Rim Trail.

Mud Canyon overlook. 

Talking differential erosion at the Hat Shop. Erik photo.

A big thanks to Erik for putting this adventure together!

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