Friday, June 15, 2012

Sequoia National Park

A felled sequoia along the Congress Trail in Sequoia National Park.

I knocked a couple of National Parks off the old bucket list last month. No huge climbs or anything. It was nice to just relax and do the usual tourist stuff. We enjoyed having our friends Millie and Casey along. Good times.

We camped at the Potwisha Campground  and spent one day in Sequoia. We camped the next night in Yosemite Valley--those photos are coming in a separate post.

Millie and Casey on top of Moro Rock. The high Sierras fill in the background.

Moro Rock. Susie photo.

Group of giant sequoias along the Congress Trail.

Congress Trail.

The General Sherman tree.

Susie and Millie mingle with roots of the Buttress sequoia. This tree was estimated to be about 2,300 years old before it fell without warning in 1959.

Crescent Meadow Road, Sequoia National Park. Casey photo.

Congress Trail.

Congress Trail.

Congress Trail.

Kaweah River, Sequoia National Park.

Congress Trail.

Congress Trail.

Getting close to the Tokopah Falls of the Kaweah River. Susie Photo.

Tokopah Valley, Sequoia National Park.

Tokopah Falls.

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