Sunday, June 12, 2011

Hurrah Pass

A few photos from a the "Spring Course Loop" near Moab which starts at the Kane Creek trailhead, climbs up to Hurrah Pass, cruises through Jackson Hole, hike-a-bikes up Jacob's Ladder, and finally descends Amasa Back. An incredible ride with constantly changing scenery and riding challenges. My nephew Hector came along making the picture taking easier.

Above: the "Birthing Scene" petroglyph in Kane Canyon.

Above: Hector starts up the switchbacks leading to Hurrah Pass.

Above: my KHS rests at Hurrah Pass, where excellent views await in all directions. My bike has been set up with only 4 gears (32x32,26,17,12) now for nearly a year, and I've never looked back.

Above: hoodooland from near Hurrah Pass.

Above: view northward across the Colorado River toward Shafer Basin.

Above: rounded river gravel left high and dry in Jackson Hole--an abandoned stream meander.

Above: looking down from near the top of the Jacob's Ladder bike portage.

Above: riding on Amasa Back's rim above Jackson Hole. The potash plant can be seen in the distance.

Above: a panorama of the abandoned Colorado River meander (Jackson Hole).

Above: view from Amasa Back over countless slickrock fins toward the snow-capped La Sal Mountains.

Above: petroglyphs at the mouth of Moonflower Canyon.

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