Tuesday, July 6, 2010

More Fun with the Scouts: Kolob Arch

A good-sized group of Boy Scouts and leaders completed the 14-mile (round trip) hike to Kolob Arch in late May. The weather was perfect and we finished the hike faster than expected in about 6 hours.

Above and below: starting the long downhill from Lee Pass along Timber Creek.

Above: crossing Timber Creek.

Above: passing below Shuntavi Butte.

Above: taking a break below Burnt Mountain along La Verkin Creek.

Above: Kolob Arch, officially the second longest arch in the world just behind Landscape Arch at Arches N.P.

Below: we were lucky enough to catch the small falls just north of the arch while it was still flowing with spring runoff.

It was a good little hike, but I couldn't help but imagine what it would be like making that final 1000-foot climb back up to Lee Pass after already having hiked 45 miles along the trans-Zion route (a 48 mile trail route from Zion's East Entrance to Lee Pass). Killer for sure.

Little did I know I would soon find out.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome pics bro. I'm gettin ready to hike from Lee's Pass to the Grotto. Hike not run! You can have the runnin all to your self thank you very much.
