Monday, August 22, 2005

High in the Tushars

Few people have been to the third highest mountain range in Utah, although nearly everyone has driven right by them. Next time you are passing through Beaver on I-15, look to the east. Those smooth, rounded summits barely viewable from the freeway are deceptively unimpressive. You truly need to get near the summit ridge to appreciate the grand scale of the 12,000-foot-high Tushar Mountains. I had been curious about this range for some time, and finally planned a mountain bike/hiking tour up and around Delano Peak and the now defunct Mt. Holly ski area.

A herd of mountain goats on the south flank of Delano.
Delano Peak at 12,173 feet is the highest peak in the Tushar Mountains. I think the mailman in these parts must be one of those mountain goats.

Needless to say, this jaunt only piqued my interest in the Tushars. I knew I had to come back, and so I did - stay tuned...

Click for a 360-degree view from the summit of Delano Peak.

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