I've had to sift through all of my pictures over the last few weeks for work, and I was reminded of some forgotten rides and scenery that I figure should see the light of day. Over the next little while I'll try and post some of my favorites. I'll start off with pictures from the St. George area. We lived in St. George for only 6 or 7 months before moving to Cedar, but it was enough time to get good and "lost" in the desert more than a few times.

Above: view from the top of the Zen Trail toward the Beaver Dam Mountains.

Headframe at the Apex Mine in the Beaver Dam Mtns.

From the top of Gooseberry Mesa looking toward Zion.

Collapsing rock ledge along the Hurricane Rim Trail.

View of the Virgin River in Timpoweap Canyon along the Hurricane Rim Trail.

Crossing LaVerkin Creek on an exploritory ride.

Sky over Warner Ridge east of Washington Fields.

Moenkopi Formation in the Warner Ridge near the Utah-Arizona border.

Sinkhole in Big Round Valley near the Virgin River south of St. George.

Dead tree (above) and mud cracks (below) in Big Round Valley.

View into the west fork of Snow Canyon from atop the Red Mountain Jeep road.

Flow banding in basalt at Snow Canyon.

View toward Beaver Dam Mountains from the top of the Barrels Ride Trail.

View toward Ivins from the top of the Barrels trail.

Dunes at the base of Sand Mountain in Warner Valley.
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