Wire Pass is an excellent beginner slot. It is easily accessed, is beautifully sculpted, and has a couple of choke stones to make it a little more adventuresome than just an easy stroll.

Above: Mike makes his way down a choke stone in Wire Pass.

Above: Rudy and the two Julies emerge from Wire Pass at the confluence with Buckskin Gulch.
I've been down Wire Pass several times, and each time I see something new. This time, it was several additional petroglyphs at the confluence that I had not noticed before. It's possible that some of these may have been buried and that only recently, floods have removed the overburden and brought them to light.

Another feature I never before noticed was this swirled sandstone--formed when saturated wind-blown sand deformed before turning into stone. The Coyote Buttes area is well known for its uniquely textured Navajo Sandstone.
Swirled sandstone formation is so cool.
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